菲乐模特——是上海福莱喜文化传播有限公司旗下是专业的国际模特经纪公司,总部上海,分部杭州,致力于代理和发展高水准的国际和中国职业模特,业务范围遍布国内多个省市区。(Freshlook model management based in Shanghai and Hangzhou, has been developing it's business all around China during the last past few years.Freshlook been working on representing and developing high level international models from all over the world)
菲乐模特客户包括国内国际各类知名品牌,覆盖电视、电商、杂志等重要媒体,与许多知名摄影师、设计师、秀导等时尚先锋保持着长期的合作。菲乐旗下外模长期与国内知名杂志《优家画报》、《都市丽人》、《周末画报》合作,同时参与各大服装、箱包、鞋帽等品牌线上线下拍摄,及其品牌订货会、发布会、时装周等时尚活动。(From TV commercials,on-line shops,magazines to all kinds of local or international brands,our clients are from all different areas.We've been working with different influential photographers,top designers and runway directors and other icons in fashion industry.)