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上海大地紧固件有限公司 拥有资深紧固件制造专业人士,可承接各种非标,特殊用途紧固件的设计开发和制造(可按国标,部标、国际标、德标、英、美制,日标等各种标准制造)。公司集二十余年的生产,服务经验,深得国内外用户信赖。产品广泛应用于机械、造船、桥梁、冶金、建筑、铁路、化工、电子等行业。

公司地处上海市中心,交通便利,现在有仓储面积4000余平米,备有常用现货,规格,品种齐全。质量为先,顾客至上。公司依托三个制造公司己通过TS16949汽标质量体系认证;ISO9001国际质量体系认证;ISO14001环境管理体系认证;GB/T 28001职业健康体系认证;获得了国家特种设备制造许可证(压力容器),有雄厚的技术力量。先进生产设备可提供各类碳钢、合金钢、不锈钢、特种钢等普通和高强度紧固件,质量可靠,交货及时。


Shanghai Qunli Fastener Elec-Mech Co.,Ltd.Serces as the sales service center of the Qunli Corporation (consisting of Shanghai Qunli Fastener Elec-Mech Co., Ltd., Shanghai Qunli fastener Manufacturing Co., Lte., Ningbo Qunli Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Ningbo Zhenhai High-pressure Fastener Co., Ltd.) with senior employees specialized in manufacturing fasteners,the company is capable for designing, developing and manufacturing various non-standard and special-purposed fasteners.(GB.Department of Standard, the international standard, German standard, British, American, japanese standard can be applied in manufacturing.)Enjoying more than 20 years of production and service experience, the company is trusted by domestic and foreign users. The company's products are widely used in shipbuilding, bridge, metallurgy, construction, railway building, chemical industry electron and other industries.

Located in downtown Shanghai, the company enjoys convenient transportation and features a warehoousing area of more than 4000 meters, With availability of freouently-used products on hand, the company provides full range of products in all sizes, Quality first. customer formost.Backed by the state-of-the-air production equipments in three manufacturing companies had achieved TS 16499 Quality system certification standard Certification;ISO9001 international Quality ststem certifiaction ; ISO14001 Environmental Management System certification; gained country special equipment manufacturing license(pressure vessel), have a strong technical fore., the company is capable of providing ordinary and high-intersity fasteners made fo vaious, carbon steel, alloy steel, alloy steel, stainless steel and special steel, The company is well known for reliable Quality and timely delivery.

The company is committed to providing high-Quality services to new and existing customers, Your inQuiry will welcome!



名 称: 上海大地紧固件有限公司(群力螺丝销售)
地 址: 上海市黄浦区新昌路528号
门 市: 上海市绥德路2弄5号(仓库)
联系人: 汪经理 13701701120 / 周经理 13601737068
电 话: 021-63641846 / 021-63579666
传 真: 021-66082123 / 021-63242405
Q Q: 429448671
微 信: 13901754394
邮 箱:
地址:上海市黄浦区新昌路528号|门市:上海市绥德路2弄5号(仓库)|联系人:汪经理 13701701120 / 周经理 13601737068
电话:021-63641846 / 021-63579666|传真:021-66082123 / 021-63242405|QQ:429448671
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